Thursday, July 27, 11AM-1PM
Where: Confluence Parcel. Limited parking is available along the Slate River Road just west of the intersection with Gothic Road. Please carpool or bike if possible.
What: We’ll be working along the Slate River at the Confluence parcel to pull and bag oxeye daisy. This reduces its population and prevents it from going to seed.
Why: As the county considers potential future replacement of the Gothic Road bridge between the Towns of Crested Butte and Mt Crested Butte, the Land Trust is working to reduce the population of oxeye daisy, a state-listed noxious weed, along this section of the Slate River. Following the bridge replacement, which will mean less water backup and erosion behind the bridge during spring runoff, we expect this site to be ripe for riparian restoration. Reducing the soil seed bank now will put us ahead of the game when the opportunity for site restoration arises.
Other info: Please bring gloves, shoes/boots/sandals you can get wet, and anything else you may like to keep comfortable (sunscreen, hats, bug spray, etc.) Cold drinks and light snacks will be provided.
Fence Pull: This event is canceled and will be rescheduled!
Where: Kapushion Conservation Easement. Meet at the small parking area where Butte Ave turns into Peanut Lake Road.
What: Removing old fence line t-posts on one of the Land Trust’s conservation easements near the Slate River. This includes barbed wire!
Why: This particular parcel has a significant amount of obsolete fence line that is no longer in use. To reduce impacts to wildlife that graze and inhabit the property, removing old fences benefits the migration of wildlife.
Other info: The terrain that we’ll be working in is semi-rugged. We will be walking through tall grasses, thick willows, and spots of very wet ground. Please bring durable gloves, clothing, and footwear that you can get wet and dirty. No prior experience or special tools are necessary. Bring sunscreen, a hat, bug spray, water, etc. Food and drinks will be provided afterwards.
Thanks for joining us! Many hands make light work!