Phone: 970-349-1206
As a resident of Gunnison Valley since the early 1990s, Jake’s personal and professional journey has been shaped by the community. Jake’s “year off” from college to ski in Crested Butte became a life and career in the valley where he earned a degree in Biology from Western State College, worked for the Colorado Outward Bound School for a decade, and built a family, career, and home in the community. Jake comes to the Land Trust team after 6 years as Managing Director of Eleven Experience, a global adventure travel company headquartered in Crested Butte. Prior to his work with Eleven, Jake was the Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trails Director for the Town of Crested Butte where he worked on municipally funded conservation projects alongside the Land Trust. While employed with the Town, Jake also served as the Executive Director for the Crested Butte Avalanche Center and volunteered on several non-profit and government advisory boards including the Gunnison County Trails Commission, Crested Butte Nordic, and Junior Achievement. Jake is currently the chair of Gunnison County’s Sustainable Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Committee.